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Toasts display low priority, event-driven feedback which usually doesn’t require any user interaction. They appear for a set time and disappear automatically.

The Toast informs users of a process that an app has performed or will perform. It appears temporarily, towards the bottom of the screen.

Modus Toast Documentation


Default Toast

string text = "This is a Toast";
string actionButtonText = "Dismiss";
Action action = async () => await DisplayAlert("Toast action Tapped", "The user has tapped the toast action button", "OK");

var toast = new TMToast(text, actionButtonText, action);

When creating the TMToast, its parameter string message is required. All other parameters are optional.

Default Toast

Update Theme

Toast supports six different styles. All available styles can be found here in the modus docs.

This is how you can update the style of the toast

var toast = new TMToast("Data saved successfully") {
  theme = ToastTheme.Success


Property type Description
message string Text message (constructor parameter) - Required
actionButtonText string Action button text (will be displayed instead of the X button if provided).
action Action Action to invoke on action button click.
theme ToastTheme Used to update the coloring of the toast
Last updated February 10, 2025.