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Segmented Controls


Segmented controls are UI elements that allow users to make exclusive selections from a set of options, often displayed as distinct segments or buttons. They are effective for organizing and presenting choices, such as filtering content or switching between views, in a visually intuitive manner. Segment controls enhance user navigation and decision-making within an application.

Modus Chips Documentation


<modus:TMSegmentedControl x:Name="SegmentedItemSegmentControl"
                          Size="{Binding Size}"
                          IsRounded="{Binding RoundedCorners}"
                          ColorTheme="{Binding SegmentTheme}"
                          IsEnabled="{Binding IsEnabled}"
                          ItemsSource="{Binding SegmentedItemItems}" />




Property type Description
Size SegmentedControlSize Size of the chip
ColorTheme SegmentColorTheme Changes the fill color of the chip (Default is Fill)
IsRounded bool Set this to Error if you want the chip to be themed in red
IsEnabled bool Input type chip will have a close icon in the right
ItemsSource IEnumerable List of segment items to be displayed
SelectedIndexChanged EventHandler<SelectedIndexEventArgs> Called when the a segment item is tapped
SelectedIndexChangedCommand ICommand Called when the a segment item is tapped
Last updated March 10, 2025.