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Modals are interactive UI components that overlay the main interface to provide focused content or actions. They enhance user engagement and convenience by displaying context-specific information, forms, or alerts without the need to navigate away from the current screen.

Modus Modals Documentation


TMModal tmModal = new("Accept TC?");
tmModal.Message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis.";
tmModal.FullWidthButton = false;
tmModal.TitleIcon = "titleIcon.png";


Modal example


Property type Description
Title string Title of the Modal
TitleIcon ImageSource Sets the icon of the modal
Message string Sets the message to be displayed in the modal
FullWidthButton bool The buttons added will fit the width of the modal


Method type Description
AddPrimaryAction(“PrimaryButtonTitle”,action) void Adds Primary button the modal
AddSecondaryAction(“SecondaryButtonTitle”,action) void Adds Secondary button the modal
AddTertiaryAction(“TertiaryButtonTitle”,action) void Adds Tertiary button the modal
AddDangerAction(“DangerButtonTitle”,action) void Adds Danger button the modal
Last updated March 10, 2025.